Momentum is a collection of stylish and comfortable commuter, hybrid and electric bikes that make it easy to enjoy cycling as part of an active, healthy and fun lifestyle.  

Stay Calm and Keep Biking

Feeling a bit bleh lately? We get you. Some days it’s hard to feel pumped about exercising or going for a ride around the block. Check out these five tips we put together to help you keep moving!

Your motivation to ride can be swayed by a number of internal and external factors – and we’re not here to judge of course, we’re here to help! Whether it’s the weather (is it still winter?), the equipment, our hectic lives or simply a lack of mojo – many things can get in the way. Before you know it, you might’ve forgotten why you started biking in the first place. Or maybe you’ve never thought about biking… but you totally should! We’ve gathered some of our favorite ways to help you stay motivated, healthy, and fit.

set goals, keep biking

Tip 1 – Set your goals to keep biking

Goals are an easy win when it comes to finding focus for your motivation. Whether you’ve got short-term or long-term goals, set an intention, and use it as your get-up-and-go every day. Some people want a cheaper and more convenient commute for work or leisure. Others use biking as their “me” time away from life’s craziness (it’s great for mental health!). Or even if you dream of competing in the triathlon someday, writing your goals down or creating a vision board can be effective in reminding you every day about what you’re working towards. You won’t regret it after you’ve made it, we promise.

electric bike

Tip 2 – Remember why you started biking

Remember why you picked up biking in the first place. We’re obsessed with creating lists. Sometimes it’s hard to remember unless they’re staring at you right in the face. And it’s so easy to create and keep on your phone. Here are a few from our list:

  • Commuting by bike is good for the planet: less carbon dioxide, less noise pollution, and more clean air (Check out our article on 5 Ways Commuting by Bike Benefits the Environment)
  • Commuting by bike is convenient: avoid traffic, parking, and crowded transportation, saves money (Here’s our article on The True Cost of Investing in an E-bike)
  • Commuting by bike is good for the body: lose weight, increase brain power, beat illness, and live longer!
  • Commuting by bike is good for the mind: unwind, reflect, meditate in motion
  • Commuting by bike is great for meeting people: hang with friends, meet other bikers, great icebreaker

Sometimes the lack of motivation has nothing to do with feeling lazy or biking at all. This is where we really recommend journaling if you want to take it up a notch. It helps us reconnect with ourselves and figure out why we’re not going after our goals, like taking over the world! Jokes aside, journaling has been scientifically proven to reduce intrusive thoughts. Why not give it a try? Maybe that’s the push you need.

electric bikes, habits

Tip 3 – Make biking a habit

The easiest way to stay motivated is to make biking so regular your muscles crave it when you’re not biking. A habit can be created in as little as 21 days; that’s only 3 weeks to turn your bike into your bestie! Here’s how:

  • Make cycling your main transportation tool: the idea is to stick with it, weather permitting of course! You may dread it at first, but you’ll quickly realize this was one of the smartest decisions you’ve ever made. (Check out 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Riding an Electric Bike)
  • Make it achievable: set weekly goals, whether it’s commuting 3 days a week or doing all your weekend errands by bike (e-bikes are amazing for this). Make them achievable, and hold yourself accountable
  • Make it fun: Plot your ride to end on a high note for an instant reward. Maybe a nice brunch, an ice cream cone, or some harmless shopping? Pick something you love, and it’ll give you that push you need
electric bikes

Tip 4 – Spice up your ride, spice up your life!

We’re creatures of habit. We can be consistently lazy OR consistently active. Once you get over that hump, it’s hard to give up on cycling – so just keep going. But if you’re feeling like this routine is making you lose that magic you felt at the beginning, don’t worry! A few tweaks will do the trick:

  • Change up your biking route: If you own an e-bike, use your extra pedal power (thanks to the assist) to explore new places. Take a page from @Gunnarolla’s book and go off the beaten track!
  • Get a bike buddy: friends keep each other accountable and make the ride more fun. Some people even bring their kids and pets along on their PakYak E+ cargo bike!
  • Change up your intervals: maybe one day you bike for 30 mins, the next day for 40, and 20 the day after. You decide. You can also try different slopes to challenge yourself
electric bikes

Tip 5 – Caring for your bike is caring for yourself

Your equipment is just as important as your body. So keeping your bike in good shape is crucial. Not to mention it’ll save you money in the long term. Like having to get new tires because they weren’t pumped properly, so they wore out faster. We also highly recommend cleaning your bike after each ride. Do regular tune-ups and always store and charge your battery correctly. If you need professional advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to our local teams. We’re always here for you.

The last thing you want to do is delay your ride because there’s a flat tire or you forgot to charge your e-bike’s battery. Treat your bike well and you’ll always be ready to roll!

And that’s a wrap! Ready? Time to go biking! You got this.
