Momentum is a collection of stylish and comfortable commuter, hybrid and electric bikes that make it easy to enjoy cycling as part of an active, healthy and fun lifestyle.  

Melbourne-based Colombian street artist Julian Clavijo finds creativity and nostalgia on an e-bike

If you haven’t heard the name Julian Clavijo before, you’re about to have your eyes opened to something beautiful. The Colombian-born artist, who’s now based in Melbourne, is award winning in his field and credits a huge amount of his inspiration to his willingness and ability to explore the world on his e-bike. And if Julian can find inspiration sat in the saddle, why can’t we?

The open road is where some artists conjure up their best ideas, so it’s only right to take a leaf out of the experts’ book and hop on an e-bike to get our creative juices flowing, too.

Julian Clavijo

Origins story

Julian was exposed to a range of different arts from a young age, from sports to music. While some of us wait well into our adult years before finding our calling (or are still searching!), Julian was lucky enough to realise just how much joy art brought him from as young as six years old, and found his passion specifically in painting and sculpture. Raised by parents who both worked in the field of psychology, he was also able to explore subjects that gave his work real meaning.

Committing to this passion brought him to Australia at the budding age 21, carrying with him his belongings and a solid 15 years of experience creating art. From his time spent painting portraits of child victims of war, he discovered that he was able to portray emotion through imagery. While his subject matter lent itself to conveying sadness, he went on to evolve as an artist, finding ways instead of spreading feelings of joy, happiness and love into the world through his work.

To continually create such impactful art for such a long time is no easy feat. Living a meaningful day-to-day life that unlocks access to the untouched corners of the imagination isn’t something we can all say we’ve mastered, but is essential for artists like Julian who call on for ongoing inspiration – so how does he strike the perfect balance between living a full life and creating enough space to create?

Julian Clavijo, painting

Pedalling into the past on his e-bike

Some of the most successfully emotive artists draw on their own experiences when creating art that their audience can relate to. Julian cites positive childhood memories as one of the many sources of inspiration for his work, and notes that the resurfacing of these memories occur while cruising out on his e-bike at top speed. Not exactly the massive event we would expect to hear artists draw inspiration from, but simply a daily habit that consistently feeds his nostalgia, and his art.

As a young child who competed in BMX, Julian’s experiences and once forgotten memories with biking were brought back into his life when he picked up his e-bike, and for many of us there are sure to be tonnes of childhood biking memories that we can feel nostalgic over if we just jumped back in the saddle and got pedalling every now and then. If it can inspire an award-winning artist, why not us?

Julian Clavijo, biking, electric bikes, childhood

Replacing his usual walking commutes with the Momentum Transend E+ e-bike has not only allowed Julian to tap into his past for inspiration but also to fill his mind and body with the energy that only physical movement can achieve. For Julian, the physical aspect of riding also allows him to reach a meditative-like state, which seems like the perfect way to set the foundations for a day packed with creativity and the brain power needed for it. Simply riding into work or to get groceries at the start of the day would already have him well on his way to becoming his best as an artist that day. Whatever the profession, this is certainly a tip that can be implemented into most people’s days with ease.

Riding an e-bike gives Julian bright ideas

The best ideas and creative thoughts can come at any time or place, but Julian reckons there’s something about the e-bike life that really invigorates his. Perhaps it’s the feeling of freedom it provides to be out on your own on an open road, but Julian finds himself deeply immersed in new ideas while he’s out pedalling. It’s also the perfect time to reflect on past experiences, or work on developing new concepts that your mind may feel too chaotic to lead you to otherwise.

Julian Clavijo, electric bikes

Taking in inspiration through things that most of us take for granted – such as laughing children, Julian says – is something that we might not otherwise have the chance to benefit from if we don’t take the time out to celebrate daily life. Julian also finds hope and inspiration in what he describes as a ‘clean world’, and the positive feelings associated with striving for a better planet.

The physical act of being out on his e-bike is also in itself a source of inspiration for Julian, who reflects on the design and feel of Momentum’s e-bikes effortlessly giving you the extra push you need, and how this can be seen as a metaphor for life in general.

While some people may look at cycling – both as a sport and a mode of transport – as something that can be fairly stressful on the mind and body, e-bikes can have quite the opposite effect and allow you to leisurely cruise from A to B without a care in the world. The option to either pedal, and reap the physical benefits or biking, or use the e-bike in battery mode means that you can choose the amount of effort you put into your ride at any point. An effortless cruise will give you the brain space you need to form and develop exciting, new ideas. Plus, while you’re on your bike you won’t be able to check emails, be at your desk or in a meeting – a welcome break from the pressure of work and life pressures in general, further helping to build the perfect environment to be at your most creative.

Julian Clavijo, painting

Chill factor

Being an artist who defines his style as ‘Magical Realism’, drawing inspiration from the more freeing and relaxing elements of riding is a no-brainer for Julian. The capability to combine fantastical ideas with the elements of nature requires time and space to breathe and take the surrounding environment in to develop it into something ‘magical’.

Julian’s eye-catching pieces are known for their striking colours, the inspiration for which he credits to the vibrancy of the world around him that he’s able to soak up while out and about in nature. From sunsets and sunrises to wildlife, much of Julian’s work in its developing stages is conceived outside of the studio and instead in the great outdoors. Since climate change is the subject of so many of Julian’s art pieces, his time spent connecting with nature is paramount when it comes to bringing his art to life. Engaging with the relaxing side of being out on the e-bike is such a huge part of Julian’s creative process, since taking his audience away from the chaos of life and towards calm and positivity is an important intention of his.

For the rest of us, whether we are looking for new ways to get inspired, find calm and healing, or get active; Julian’s encouragement to get on an e-bike is resounding. It’s the perfect choice for those who are looking for options – you can opt for resistance to increase the physical exertion, call on the battery for assistance to get you to your destination with ease, or simply cruise along and enjoy the ride, whatever the final destination may be. It can help you to feel strong both mentally and physically – and who wouldn’t want that?

Stay in touch with Julian and discover more of our e-bike range here.
