You have added
Voya E+ 1
to your cart.
We know these retailers near {{ dealerSearchCity }} have it in store now: This bicycle is not permitted to be shipped directly to you, however it can be purchased online and picked up at a local stocking Retailer. We recommend contacting the Select Retailer before submitting your order to ensure availability.';var label_shop_ifYouAreWillingToTakeARoadTrip='If you are willing to take a road trip, the bike is available in 1-4 days at these Momentum retailers more than 200 miles from {{ dealerSearchCity }}. This bicycle is not permitted to be shipped directly to you, however it can be purchased online and picked up at a local stocking Retailer. We recommend contacting the Select Retailer before submitting your order to ensure availability.';var label_shop_at_any_retailer='at any Momentum retailer';
*All specifications and prices listed are subject to change without notice.
Actual weight may vary due to manufacturing tolerances, color variations, frame size and variability in production components.